Apple Puree Ingredients:

  • 400 grams apple (sliced)
  • 1.5 cup of water
Apple Puree- Easy to make Baby Food

Apple Puree Cooking Procedures:

1. Pour the water in the cooking pan and add the apple.

2. Simmer for 5 โ€“ 10 minutes or until tender.

3. Put it in a bowl and mash. The peel will usually separate when you do manual mashing. Just take it out to avoid chunky texture on your puree. (If you use blender or electric masher then no need to separate the peeling for it will be mashed creamy).

4. Continue to mash until the apple will become creamy.

5. Put it in a small container for easy storage.

For more details, please see the Apple Puree cooking video below:


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