Massaging my baby is a loving way to bond with her. I believe that my baby may enjoy the benefit from a full body massage. I spend 5-10 minutes giving gently massage to my baby. I do this after her bath. I talk and sing while massaging her and she usually smiles, coos and looks at me. I feel that she enjoy my massage.

I start massaging her one leg from pelvic joint down towards the ankle. I massage her stomach gently with a circular direction and I smoothly glide my palm on her chest. I massage her wrist and hand and let her lie on his stomach for me to gently stroke her back from neck to buttocks.


The following are the benefits from massaging a baby:

  • Massage can enhance the bond between me and my baby.
  • It helps my baby to relax.
  • Enables my baby to have a better sleep.
  • Ease my baby’s fussiness.

As a reminder, massaging baby much be done in a calmly and gently way for baby has delicate body structure.