My baby girl develops skin rashes on her arms, neck and nappy area at 3 months old.  See image below:


Arms Rashes


Neck Rashes


Nappy Rash

My baby’s pediatrician told us that these rashes are also known as eczema.  This usually occurs to dry skin, so we need to keep our baby’s skin moisturized because too much skin dryness can aggravate the condition. The pediatrician recommends Physiogel AI Cream and desonide Desowen Lotion for my baby’s skin rashes.

Physiogel Hypoallergenic AI Cream


Desowen Lotion

Physiogel cream is a bit thick and non-comedogenic. I use Physiogel AI Cream and desowen lotion  to the affected skin 2 times a day. Physiogel cream can be used when necessary but desowen lotion can only be used for limited time – usually up to 2 weeks (You must ask your pediatrician if what’s best for your baby’s condition). After 2 days, I noticed that the redness on my baby’s affected area subsides. So, I must say that both are effective in treating my baby’s rashes.

So to prevent from the re-occurring of rashes, I do the following:

1. Continue to use hydrolyzed milk. (I am not breastfeeding anymore. However, for mums who have breastmilk – it’s still the best)

2. Keeping my baby clean (taking a bath everyday and wipe the spilled milk to my baby immediately).

3. Keeping my baby’s skin moisturized.

4. Keeping my baby’s bed sheet clean.

5. Clean nappy area with water or non fragrance baby wipes.

6. Mild baby detergent for my baby’s clothing and our clothing too because we use to carry the baby, and her skin will be in-touch with our dress.

7. Ensuring that my baby’s place is well ventilated.

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