My baby has skin rashes

My baby has skin rashes

My baby girl develops skin rashes on her arms, neck and nappy area at 3 months old.  See image below:     My baby’s pediatrician told us that these rashes are also known as eczema.  This usually occurs to dry skin, so we need to keep our baby’s skin...

My baby’s guide book (0-12 months)

I would like to share my baby’s guide book(Credits from Nestle). Parents can use this as your baby’s milestone checklist. By the way, some babies have different milestone especially if born prematurely. You can check with your pediatrician if the listing...

Help! My baby has colic

Baby colic or also known as “kabag” is a common condition for infants that a mother should be aware of. It is a stomach gas – the air that is usually swallowed when feeding and crying. I remember the time when my baby is very fussy and cry out loud continuously....