Should I massage my baby?

Should I massage my baby?

Massaging my baby is a loving way to bond with her. I believe that my baby may enjoy the benefit from a full body massage. I spend 5-10 minutes giving gently massage to my baby. I do this after her bath. I talk and sing while massaging her and she usually smiles, coos...

Baby Food Allergies

How will I know if my baby has food allergy? As a mother, we are very concerned to what our baby is eating. It is a fact that food allergies are much more common in families with a history of allergy, including asthma, hay fever, eczema and food allergies. Some food...

When can I feed my baby with solid foods?

World Health Organization (WHO), suggested that baby must be exclusively breastfeed until 6 months. The reason to wait is  because mother’s milk will provide the nutrients needed for the baby to grow and develop. However, we know that baby can tolerate food a little...

Is it normal for a baby to vomits after feeds?

Expelling a small amount of milk after feeds, is normal. Usually, this is caused when bubbles of air become trapped while feeding. Normal twisting will usually bring these up. In some cases, it will also reappear in baby’s nose. My baby also vomits whenever I suddenly...

Travelling with baby

Travelling with my baby girl on a plane is one of my concerns during my baby’s first visit to her pediatrician. I am aware that riding airplane could cause ear pressure, and I am totally concern if what is the effect of it to my baby. So I ask my baby’s...